Sunday, March 14, 2010

Running naturally

Running posture apparently is important. Recently, Daniel Lieberman of Harvard published a paper on how the foot posture affects the impact force during running.

I do not think we have to run barefoot all the time like our ancestors did. Rather, while running, we shall really adapt a running posture like our ancestors, ie, running naturally. Wearing shoes changed our running posture for worse, Lieberman's study showed that, and thankfully, his study also told us how we can run naturally. After adopting the natural way for a month, today I ran on Point Trail, one of my favorite. About half way in, checking my stopwatch, I was surprised to find out that I had a faster time! It was about 19 minutes one way, compared with 20'49" before. Wow!

03/14/2010: ~19'00" PB
11/01/2009: 20'49"

Thursday, March 4, 2010

五毛党 the Party of Fifty Cents

Fifty cents in the US is a rap group. Well, the Party of Fifty Cents in China was born with the heavy internet censorship. Apparently, there are hired hands in China, posting pro-government comments on people's blogs and websites. Each "valid" entry is paid fifty cents of RMB, equivalent to about 7 cents US.

Then I was told by my friend in China, about hired fans. For example, if you are competing at the Chinese version of the Idol, you can hire a fan. A fan screaming "I love you" is paid 100 Yuan. A fan screaming with tears streaming down is paid 300 Yuan. Isn't it fascinating? Last October in Shanghai Airport, I witnessed hundreds of girls rushing in with one of the Super Junior. The skinny kid with dark masks was protected by several bouncers. How many of them were true fans without pay?